Free eBook on Time Management | My Home Biz Journal

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Free eBook on Time Management

Time management has always been somewhat of a challenge for me. It is more so now that I am trying to pursue a simple work from home opportunity on the Internet. With a full time job and two young children, I feel that the reliable amount of time that I can spend on my online business is about two hours a day. I feel as though this was only about enough time for me to handle my emails. As such, there would never be any progress made on my home business.

I later learned from the captioned ebook that there are time robbers, and email is the biggest of them. It is high time I became aware of it if I want my home business to go anywhere.

I find the ebook Super Tactics of Time Management Experts a delightful read with a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of the art of time management. It offers principles and practical tactics as well as insight and wisdom related to the topic. Anyone who reads the book will surely come away with a heightened awareness of efficient time management and the fundamentals to put in practice.

I got the ebook as a monthly free bonus for being a member with PipsPowerGroup. If you are also interested in refining your time management skills, feel free to download it here; it is completely free.

May the time be on your side.

Ying Hong

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