Simple Work From Home Opportunity
If you are interested in pursuing an online business opportunity, wouldn't you want to know your chances of success ahead of time? Wouldn't you want to know what kind of time commitment you need for your online business? Perhaps you would like to read this article for some insights: Simple Work From Home Opportunity: Sure Way to Succeed.
Follow the principles outlined in the article to prepare yourself for an online pursuit. It is very hard to fail after that.
Ying Hong
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Read my article: “ PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained”
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, the absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to.
Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:” Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Simple Work From Home Opportunity: Sure Way to Succeed
Posted by
Annie Team
11:46 PM
Labels: General
Friday, July 11, 2008
Simple Work From Home Opportunity: Should You Sign Up with A Guru?
Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Have you been considering joining an affiliate program to start building a home business online? Are you tempted to sign up with a guru in the field? If so, you must read this short discussion here before you make the decision.
Simple Work From Home Opportunity: Should You Sign Up with A Guru?
Posted on July 11th, 2008 by Ying Hong
Ying Hong
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Read my article: “ PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained”
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, the absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to.
Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:” Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind
Posted by
Annie Team
10:58 PM
Labels: General
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Article Marketing - To Rewrite or Not to Rewrite
Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Rewriting an original article multiple versions and submitting them to different article directories is an often recommended strategy for articl marketing. I myself have done some rewriting but am sure not enough. I have to admit that for the longest time, the real importance of rewriting has eluded me, that is until now.
To rewrite an article or not is really a choice between whether you want more organic traffic from the search engines vs. some traffic from the article directories. Both could be valuable.
If you rewrite enough unique versions of one article, the search engines will likely index all your versions with various article directories, which means that your article will come up in the search results. This gives the surfers a chance to read your article and possible visit your site. Hence the organic traffic.
If you do not rewrite and submit the same version to different directories, the directories will accept your article, but the search engines may only index the copy from one of the directories to return in the related search results. By the way, the search engines will not penalize you in any common sense of the word, unless ignoring qualifies as penalizing.
If the article directories themselves have high traffic, they may still pass that on to your article and your site, in which case you also get highly targeted traffic.
Rewriting takes a little more time and has the advantage of search engine traffic, which has boundless potential. However, both methods may end up benefiting you in roughly the same way in terms of traffic for quite some time.
Regardless of which method you choose, you should always remember to put an absolutely unique article on your own site. This is an important way to build your site through the ranks.
Therefore, to rewrite or not to rewrite, that is your choice.
Ying Hong
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Read my article: "PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained
"Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to.
Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:"Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind"
Posted by
Annie Team
12:07 AM
Labels: Article Marketing
Monday, July 7, 2008
Find PR of Your Backlinks - Free Web Tool
Simple Work from Home Opprotunity
If you are in a link building campaign, like I am, you would want to know who is linking back to to you and their page rank. Here is just a free tool to check this. I have just found it and would like to share it with you.
This tool provides a list of up to 1000 backlinks that you have and will list their page ranks for you as well as the anchor text. Although the maximum of the listing is 1000, it does tell you the total links at the top.
As a result of using this tool, I have reached the conclusion that I really need to increase the backlinks from those sites with higher PR's. I appreciate all my backlinks but a lot of them have low PR right now (I'm sure their rank will soar later :)).
The easiest way to get backlinks from high PR sites is through social book marking. I have done some but haven't got the time to do more. Now that I see my links' page ranks and how they can easily be higher, I decide that I need to to do more social bookmarking to increase the quality of my backlinks.
Without further ado, this very cool, completely free web tool is:
Hope you find it useful.
Ying Hong
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Read my article: "PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained "
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to.
Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:"Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind"
Posted by
Annie Team
4:24 PM
Labels: Building Backlinks, Free Stuff
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Article Marketing - Best Practice
There are a number of ways to do article marketing. Some people submit short aritcles in volumes to just EzineArticles to get traffice; others use an article submission service such as SubmitYourArticles, or use a software such as ArticlePostRobot; still others use a combination of manual submissions to major article directories and mass distribution to other directories. In the end, all methods work, but it is a personal choice to stick with any particular method.
My personal perspective of the the best practice of article marketing is as follows:
1. Write an original niche relatedarticle
2. Put the article on your website first.
3. Put a summary of the article on your blog with the same article title. This gives you two chances of search engines picking this article up in the search result.
4. Write a different but lesser version and submit it to Ezinearticles. It is the general concensus (and my personal experience attests to that as well ) that Ezinearticles sends more traffic as it ranks superbly with search engines.
5 Rewrite again for further distribution either through a service, a software or manually.
To the extent that more rewritten versions of the same article can be done, one should do so to send to more high ranked article directories. This will help maximize chances of both traffic and quality backlinks.
It is important that one should always add the unique content created to one's own site first. This is for the long term benefit. Rewriting lesser versions to submit to other directories will also make the original version on one's own site the authority. In the end, giving the best content consistently to one's own site is the way to build it up through the search engine rankings.
Hope this information is helpful.
Ying Hong
Read more articles on article marketing:
5 Guidelines To Write Articles Quickly
How to Rewrite Articles Effectively – 6 Actionable Tips
5 Effective Article Marketing Tips For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.Read my article: "PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained "
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to. Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:"Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind"
Posted by
Annie Team
10:07 PM
Labels: Article Marketing
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Simple Work From Home Opportunity On A Part-Time Basis: Pros and Cons
Most people who start an online, simple work from home opportunity would not do it on a full time basis right away, and I am one of them. If you are tempted also by a part-time pursuit of an online home business opportunity, here are some pros and cons from my personal expereince to help you make your decision.
- Have the security of income from your regular job for your daily life
- Because of the above, afford to take the time to learn Internet marketing at your own pace
- Having income from the regular job also means a solid resource for business expenses from your online opportunity
- Maintain connection to the work community ( this is important to some people)
- Lots of personal sacrifice as other interests and obligations may likely be infringed upon by the online pursuit
- Loss of sleep. Home business online takes time to learn and cultivate. With a full-time job and possibly other home bound responsibilities, you may find yourself cut into your sleep time consistently to try to get work done.
- It may take much longer to see results
- Higher risk of failure in light of the extended period of business building time without seeing any result
In short, the greatest pro is that you still have the income and the biggest con is that you do not have enough time. Money and time cannnot both be had. With that in mind, here are some recommended solutions:
1) Find a mentor.
The mentor can help shorten your learning curve significantly providing insight and seasoned wisdom of the trade. You can expect to get inspiration, strategy, motivation and encouragement from your mentor.
2) Make necessary investment/business expenses to buy time
There are some routine tasks that do not need to be done by you personally, such as directory submission, article submissions, etc. To the extent you have the budget and if you want a faster pace of growth for your business, it would be wise to enlist services to do the mundane tasks. You can save the time to strategize for your business; this is the part that you cannot outsource even for money.
Hope this post has provided some helpful information.
Ying Hong
Contact me.
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Read my article: "PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained "
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to. Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:"Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind"
Posted by
Annie Team
11:19 PM
Labels: Business Opportunities, General
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Free eBook on Time Management
Time management has always been somewhat of a challenge for me. It is more so now that I am trying to pursue a simple work from home opportunity on the Internet. With a full time job and two young children, I feel that the reliable amount of time that I can spend on my online business is about two hours a day. I feel as though this was only about enough time for me to handle my emails. As such, there would never be any progress made on my home business.
I later learned from the captioned ebook that there are time robbers, and email is the biggest of them. It is high time I became aware of it if I want my home business to go anywhere.
I find the ebook Super Tactics of Time Management Experts a delightful read with a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of the art of time management. It offers principles and practical tactics as well as insight and wisdom related to the topic. Anyone who reads the book will surely come away with a heightened awareness of efficient time management and the fundamentals to put in practice.
I got the ebook as a monthly free bonus for being a member with PipsPowerGroup. If you are also interested in refining your time management skills, feel free to download it here; it is completely free.
May the time be on your side.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
11:15 PM
Labels: Free Stuff
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
PipsPowerGroup Summer Business Building Contest Update
Back at the beginning of June, Pipspowergroup started a summer contest for its members. The contest should last about 45 days. Each voluntary participant would start with their initial Alexa ranking and url documented in a designated thread and post their daily activities afterwards through the duration of the contest.
Now 30 days have passed, and the mentors have announced a current standing of the top 10.
It came as an extreme surprise, but I am glad to report that I am among the top 10. I really haven't done as much as I would like. I see everyday that other members were posting more activities than me and often felt I hadn't done enough.
I do tell myself that I should mind my own pace. I have a full time job and two young children; finding time to work on my simple work from home opportunity consistently is a challenge, although so far, I've managed to do something almost everyday.
There are actually more activities that I have done that I did not post. They pertain to reading relevant materials, surfing for traffic credits, posting in private forums, working on articles, etc. I didn't include them as I don't think they result in a concrete backlink. I only reported activities where I created some content, such as a blog post, or article, or actual web directory submissions. When it comes down to it, I feel as though only content and backlinks matter.
I think the Pipspowergroup mentors were brilliant in scheming up this contest as it really helps us start developing a daily work routine, which I think is the key to success with online work from home opportunities.
There are still 15 days left of the contest. The mentors say that it is a close contest, and standings can change. With my limited time, I may not move as fast as I wish, but as long as I can establish a solid routine, I feel satisfied. Anything else would be icing on the cake.
Good luck to the fellow contestants.
Ying Hong
Top Pick Simple Work From Home Opportunity - PlugInProfitSite, geared for serious starters complete with 6 automatic streams of income, 400 day newsletter and a free professionally designed website, and more.
Top Pick Mentoring Program - PipsPowerGroup, absolute best companion to PlugInProfiteSite owners. Saves time and moeny, shortens the learning curve, and what a brightly-minded community to belong to.
Just another thought -
Whoever you are, if you seriously consider starting an online business opportunity with residual income, I really think you would only stand to benefit from trying the combination of PlugInProfitSite program and Pipspowergroup membership. If you wish to get more information on this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Otherwise, read the following articles for some additional insight into both programs:
Read my article: "PlugIn4Profit – 6 Automated Streams of Income Explained "
Read my blog post on Pipspowergroup:"Pips Power Group (PPG) Is One Of A Kind"
Posted by
Annie Team
4:43 PM
Labels: General, PIP Progress
Friday, June 27, 2008
5 Tips On Having A Success Mentality for Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Having a success mentality is critical to a fruitful pursuit of a work from home opportunity online. Most people want success enough to try an opportunity, but their mentality is so partially primed with success that they do not stick to their effort long enough to realize their success vision. If you are an individual pursuing a work from home opportunity online, here are some tips to help ensure that your mindset is geared for success. Read this article: "5 Tips On Having A Success Mentality for Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity" to find out.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
11:12 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, General
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My Favorite Free Web Tools
There are many free web tools out there. Some are more conveninet than others. Here are a few that I have found myself using quite often lately. -
to check backlinks as shown in Google, MSN and Yahoo. I like this website because it is easy to remember. -
to check the traffic rank. I go there every now and then to check my site as well as some other sites of interest, competitor sites included. -
for keyword research. I find this free tool prodcues the easiest to understand results.
4. -
to check how my keywords rank in the three major search engines (Google, MSN and Yahoo). You can put in three keyword phrases along with your url, and the result will tell you your position with each search engine.
5. -
to get an evaluation of your website from SEO perspective. You will get a comprehensive report tells you what to improve. This is a very useful tool. I wrote a separate article on the content of this report: "Cool Website Evaluation Tool for Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity ".
6. -
to check my traffic stats. I use it everyday. I find that Statcounter has the easiest to interpret reports. You can really learn where your visitors come from, the referral urls, what keywords brought the traffic, which pages were viewed for how long, etc.
7. DupeFreePro -
to check uniqueness of my rewritten articles. I downloaded this free tool and have found it vey easy to use. It compares two versions of an article and highlights the duplicate sections in corresponding colors. It also checks a given version against the web to help you determine the uniqueness an unfamiliar article. Further, it also has the LSI features.
I will share more free resources in the future.
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
10:04 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, Free Stuff
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
5 Effective Article Marketing Tips For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
There are many guidelines on how to do effective article marketing. Have you wondered which ones are the absolute essentials? Read this article "5 Effective Article Marketing Tips For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity" and find out if you've neglected any essentials. Also find the most recent list of article directories with highest ranks of traffic and PR.
To your article marketing success.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
5:05 PM
Labels: Article Marketing
Friday, June 20, 2008
Find What Traffic Method Works For You – Simple Strategy For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Some traffic methods may work better for you than others. Some sources of traffic may contribute more to your website than other sources. It would be nice to be able to identify these methods and these particular traffic sources so that you can get the most benefit, wouldn't it?
For a three step guide to help you do exactly that, please I wrote this article just for you: "Find What Traffic Method Works For You – Simple Strategy For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity". Perhaps it can just help you a little.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
11:14 PM
Labels: Traffic
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Setting Measurable Goals For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
Have you ever wondered how much effort to put into your work from home online business in order for it to make a difference? Do you know how to set concrete, measurable goals? Do you understand how your effort correlates to the progress you are making? Read this article: Setting Measurable Goals For Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity to find a concrete, scenario analysis and get a sense of the level of commitment needed for pursuing your simple work from home opportunity.
Make progress everyday and know you are getting there.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
9:19 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Simple Work From Home Opportunity: How To Come Up With Topics To Write About
Coming up with topics to write about your simple work from home opportunity is one obstacle that new Internet marketers often come across. I had this problem myself. Every now and then, I still feel that I need some extra inspiration. Here is a few things that I do to overcome this obstacle.
I carve out some time to assemble a long list of niche related article titles from various sites. My last list had about 500 titles, most of which from ArticleDashboard. All these titles give me some idea of respective topics to write about. Although I may not be inspired by each one of them, after going through enough titles, I usually would form my own idea of an article.
The extra effort of brainstorming is worth doing as 500 hundred titles can last a long time.
Reporting on a solution to a problem
It always makes great article material to write about a solution to a problem. No problem is too trivial to report on. If you have this problem, someone else can have the same problem, too, and your solution would be great information to share.
Inspiration from the newsletters you receive frequently
Conducting business in the Internet community, you are bound to sign up for some newsletters. Many people just delete them. I myself usually would give a quick skim to the article first. I find that some of them carry really valuable information. Here and there, I get inspired with topics to write about from these newsletters.
If you are mindful of finding materials for your articles, perhaps you can make use of your newsletters, too. if you need a good one, sign up for my Internet mini-course. You will also get 6 ebooks on money making online FREE.
Inspiration from continuously working on your home business
I find that I would come up with things to write about a lot more easily when I keep busy with my home business. This is because we tend to write about what we do. When I stalled for a couple of months before, it was really hard to find anything to talk about.
Therefore, stay connected to your business routine, and you will secure a big advantage to having topis to write about for your simple work from home opportunity.
These are just a few things that have worked for me. Everyone may feel differently about a given approach. Hope you find what works for you.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
10:21 PM
Labels: Article Marketing
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
How Many Successful Habits Do You Have?
One of the newsletters I frequently receive is from Dr. Mercola has some of the best advice on healthy living and healing to share. He also shares an upward attitude in life, which I always find uplifting. In his most recent newsletter, he quoted from LifeHack a list of 50 habits of highly successful people. It is a great list, and we should all get a chance to feel inspired. Check it out here and find how many successful habits you have.
1. They look for and find opportunities where others see nothing.
2. They find lessons while others only see problems.
3. They are solution focused.
4. They consciously and methodically create their own success.
5. They may be fearful, but they are not controlled or limited by fear.
6. They ask the right questions -- the ones which put them in a positive mindset and emotional state.
7. They rarely complain.
8. They don’t blame, and take complete responsibility for their actions and outcomes.
9. They always find a way to maximize their potential, and use what they have effectively.
10. They are busy, productive and proactive.
11. They align themselves with like-minded people.
12. They are ambitious.
13. They have clarity and certainty about what they want.
14. They innovate instead of imitate.
15. They don’t procrastinate.
16. They are life-long learners.
17. They are glass half full people, while still being practical and down-to-earth.
18. They consistently do what they need to do, regardless of how they are feeling on a given day.
19. They take calculated risks.
20. They deal with problems quickly and effectively.
21. They don’t believe in, or wait for, fate, destiny, chance or luck.
22. They take action before they have to.
23. They are more effective than most at managing their emotions.
24. They are good communicators.
25. They have a plan for their life and they work methodically to turn that plan into a reality.
26. They become exceptional by choice.
27. They work through the tough stuff that most would avoid.
28. They have identified what is important to them and they do their best to live a life which is reflective of those values.
29. They have balance. They know that money is a tool and ultimately, it’s just another resource.
30. They understand the importance of discipline and self-control.
31. They are secure in their sense of self-worth.
32. They are generous and kind.
33. They are happy to admit mistakes and apologize.
34. They are adaptable and embrace change.
35. They keep themselves in shape physically.
36. They work hard and are not lazy.
37. They are resilient.
38. They are open to, and more likely to act upon, feedback.
39. They don’t hang out with toxic people.
40. They don’t invest time or emotional energy into uncontrollable things.
41. They are happy to swim against the tide.
42. They comfortable with their own company.
43. They set high standards for themselves.
44. They don’t rationalize failure.
45. They know how to relax, enjoy what they have in their life and to have fun.
46. Their career is not their identity, it’s their job.
47. They are more interested in what is effective than in what is easy.
48. They finish what they start.
49. They realize that not only are they physical and psychological beings, but emotional and spiritual creatures as well.
50. They practice what they preach.
Are you on track to be successful?
Ying Hong
Related articles on success:
Success University – Top Personal Development Program With an Income Guarantee
Success University - Be Successful with the 3% Rule
Selling Point of Success University
Business Opportunities on the Internet:
Try Success University for two weeks and donate $2 to charity
Get 6 free ebooks and receive Internet Marketing mini course for free
Proven Simple Work from Home Opportunities
Posted by
Annie Team
12:11 PM
Labels: General
Monday, June 16, 2008
Should You Use A Search Engine Submission Service?
Newbies of Internet tend to have an idealistic belief that services other than content creation would drastically increase web traffic to their sites. Therefore, one of the things they would do is to sign up for search engine submission services, which tend to benefit more the veteran sites than a newbie site.
If you are a newbie and are at the point of deciding whether to enlist the service of search engine submission, it is highly recommended that you read this article "Should You Use A Search Engine Submission Service?" and get informed before your decision.
May you spend your valuable resource where it is needed most.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
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Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Get 6 Home Business eBooks and an Internet Mini-course FREE
Posted by
Annie Team
11:30 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Sure Way To Succeed With Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
I receive newsletters in email from various sources every day. Today one of those newsletters has a short article on Abraham Lincoln, which I found extremely profound and having solid relevance to pursuing simple work from home opportunities on the Internet. It practically spells out the sure way to succeed.
Abraham Lincoln is probably among the highest regarded president in the United States. Was he talented for presidency? Perhaps, but not what the failures he kept having appeared to indicate. Look at the streams of failures he had prior to being elected president:
- In 1832, Lincoln was defeated in an attempt to become Speaker of the Illinois legislature.
- In 1843 he was defeated in an attempt to win nomination for Congress.
- In 1846, he was elected to Congress, but had to leave two years later because his party had a policy of limiting terms.
- In 1854, he lost a run for the U.S. Senate.
- In 1856, he lost the nomination for vice president, and in 1858, he was again defeated in a race for the Senate.
Most people would have lost faith in face of these back to back failures. But not Abraham Lincoln. His personal strength, vision and persistence paid off when he was finally elected president in 1860.
Abraham Lincoln's failures never dictated his destiny; his own vision did. Each time he failed, he failed upwards instead of downwards. What inspiring lesson that we could all learn from Abraham Lincoln!
In any kind of pursuit, work from home opportunities on the Internet included, failures are just facts of life; but they do not have be the destiny if the the individual does not allow themto be.
To all people who may need some advice facing setbacks, try to learn from Lincoln; shoot for something even higher every time you fail, doubling your effort. The failures will be more than compensated for when you do succeed in the end.
And succeed, you shall.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Get 6 Home Business eBooks and an Internet Mini-course FREE
Posted by
Annie Team
11:28 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, General
Friday, June 13, 2008
How To Get Backlinks From High Authority Sites In Your Niche
Getting quality backlinks is among the most effective ways to promote your simple work from home opportunity website. For newbies, getting these quality backlinks means asking to be linked to a site with higher authority than your own, which is not easy. Why would a site give you the PR juice when your own site has nothing equal to exchange.
That said, here are some ways that you may approach higher ranked sites for a backlink.
1. Offer to write something exclusively unique for the higher authority site
Whether it is a testimony or just a niche relevant article, offering exclusively unique content is a welcome gesture. It may just work.
2. Commenting on their blog
If the site has a blog, you can always comment on a particular blog entry. Just say something nice and positive. Then include your website link when signing. This is one of the easier method as you don't need prior permission from the site to do it. However, just make sure the blog is a dofollow kind. If it is nofollow, the search engines will not see it to index it. No indexing, no backlink.
3. Posting in their forum
If the site has a forum, participation is what they look for. Commenting on their forum will most definitely give you a backlink as you plant your site link in your signature. Stay away from private forums, though. If the forum is a private one, it would require a password to read and/or post. Your links planted in this kind of forum will not be seen by the search engines as they are blocked by the password protection.
For further guidelines on forum posting, you may want to read article "Effective Forum Posting Guidelines".
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
8:30 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, General
Thursday, June 12, 2008
3 Culprits That Dampen Your Motivatons For Your Work From Home Opportunity
While pursuing work from home opportunity online, every now and then, I simply don't feel like working at all. I would find myself finding excuses to procrasinate. This would happen more likely after I think I had worked hard but did not see expected results. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.
Here is what I think are the main culprits that cause me (and other online home business builders, I'm sure) the mood misalignment.
1) High Expections
I have high expectations for my business, just like everyone else in this field. Even though I know it takes time to build my home business, in the back of my mind, that expectation of a flourishing online business never went throgh a reality check. High expectation itself is a good thing. If we can use it to guide our effort instead of results, we would be spared of a lot of unnecessary frustration
2) Instant Gratification as Conditioned by Our Culture
In this culture (America), there is so much emphasis on instant gratification that people want to see results fast and do not appreciate the process of gradual building and cultivating. We want a pill to cure chronic disease and a magic touch to fix any problem. The truth is, good things, like bad things, take time to build. Health, like chronic conditions, take time to build. or evolve. The same is with a simple work from home opportunity. If the breakthrough point has not come, this means more effort is needed to continuously cultivate. It is really too premature to feel any dispair.
3) Lacking a Solid Game Plan
Not having a game plan is perhaps the third and major culprit. It is said that 95% percent of people trying an online opportunity will fail. Without a doubt, they do not have a game plan aimed for success. But even for those who are committed to make something out of it, not having a game plan can really increase the chance of eventual failure as there is no shield for the constant distractions, hypes and unrealistic expectations.
The solution to this problem is to have a game plan for success and refine it as you go along. By anchoring your practice management with a game plan, your energy will be more efficiently guided on building your business instead of fretting over factors you cannot control.
In short, having dampened motivation for your online home business is normal. It is important to forgive yourself for the moments of weakness and move on to more productive routines. Get a good game plan in place and just follow it as if you do not know other ways to live. The motivations and your work from home business will take care of themselves.
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Posted by
Annie Team
4:36 PM
Labels: General
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Discover Your Inherent Motivation to Pursue A Simple Work From Home Opportunity Online
Some people may be more inherently motivated than others to pursue a work from home opportunity on the Internet. Are you one of these individuals? Answer the questions in this article: Discover Your Inherent Motivation to Pursue A Simple Work From Home Opportunity Online to get a rough idea for yourself.
Ying Hong
Find quality, proven, simple work from home opportunity here.
Get a free, cutomizable website with 6 streams of income plugged in with the reputable, PlugInProfitSite, your best shot for an online home business startup.
Posted by
Annie Team
5:20 PM
Labels: Business Opportunities, General
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Take Advantage of Your IAHBE Membership
When I started my pursuit for a simple work from home opportunity online, I joined IAHBE (International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs) because it is the best way to stay an EA (Executive Affiliate) with SFI. It costs $29.95/month while I get about $10 back as my monthly commission for being an EA from SFI; net investment $20/month. I had not really looked into the member area of IAHBE until recently. I must say that I am impressed with the kind of resources the membership offers.
Here is a laundry list of the main benefits from IAHBE:
- A free book of the month
- A free magazine of the month
- The learning center
- Software downloads
- Online resources
- Special offers (of books or tools, etc)
- Marketing tips
- Quality business articles
Each success profile covers the individuals’ basic information such as education level, the year they started the business, hours worked during the start-up and hours currently worked, favorite business magazines/books, and months before achieving a profit, etc.
There is also an extended interview where the successful individual answers specific questions on how to start up, what/when to invest, tools they use, methods of marketing, sources of motivation, secret strategy, biggest obstacles then and now, best business decision, advice for newbies, etc., as well as their vision for the future.
These success profiles have a lot to share. One can see that these individuals come from a variety of backgrounds. Although their answers to specific questions can be different technically, they all share a vision for themselves and are action takers in building their business. Their perspectives are truly inspiring.
IAHBE indeed offers valuable membership benefits. Anyone who is a home business owner hopeful can really benefit from its rich resources. This probably can be a one-stop shopping experience for those who need constant input of knowledge, tips and motivation.
If you are already a member of IAHBE, have you been taking full advantage of the membership? If you are not a member but are interested in checking it out for yourself, check it out here. For those who puts what they learn into action, this membership is worth much much more.
Ying Hong
Tab into the rich resources of IAHBE
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Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
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Posted by
Annie Team
11:15 PM
Labels: SFI
Monday, June 9, 2008
Best Explanation on Duplicate Content - Free Report
Are you ever confused with the issues surrounding duplicate content? On one hand, it seems so forbidden by the search engines that a penalty may be dealt on anyone with duplicate content. On the other, one has to wonder that those multiple backlinks from the same article cannnot be all unique; why are the search engines OK with the duplicate content in this instance?
Confused no more. Now Article Marketer has released a report that dwells on the topic thoroughly. There really has not been a better explanation than this report that I have seen.
To summarize the gist of the debate: duplicate content will likely not hurt you if it is used properly. The rule of thumb is to
(i) give credit where it is due,
(ii) provide information with real value and
(iii) keep it fresh.
The bottomline is that it is OK to have duplicate content on your site when it adds real value to your prospective customers. Take caution to give the authors full credit. What needs to be penalized are spamming and plagerism.
This should put a lot minds at ease :-).
View the complete report here or download it for free.
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
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Posted by
Annie Team
10:45 PM
Labels: Free Stuff
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Best Time to Pursue A Work From Home Opportunity on the Internet
-Do you feel the pinch of the economy?
-Do you wish that you could just cut out the commute and save on the soaring gas prices?
-Are you happy with your job (do you still have one)?
-Do you want to look for a second income opportunity?
-Would you rather be your own boss?
-Are you concerned that you may not have enough funds for your retirement?
-Are you fresh out of college and are fretting over the process of job interviewing?
-Do you wish to operate a home business but lack sufficient funds to start up?
If you answer "Yes" or "Maybe" to any of the above question, you may want to consider a work from home opportunity based on the Internet. Here are a few of the many benefits of a work from home opportunities online.
In the short term, you’ll cut down on the gas expense, have immediate flexible work schedule and location, enjoy the satisfaction of being your own boss, and have more time for your family.
In the long run, your saving on the gas usage saves the world from more green house gas damage. You will enjoy a deeper sense of independence , and possibly have more power to help your communities.
Financially, you will not be dependent on that paycheck from your employer. Depending on the type of your online business, you will have many sources contributing to your financial gain.
Furthermore, you will not need to worry about having to retire before you have accumulated enough nest eggs, as a successful online business will draw on the power of the Internet and bring you residual income all the time. You will also be able to pass your Internet business on easily to your children as your legacy.
If you always want to build something of your own and savor the idea of running a home business, there is no better time than now to start a work from home business on the Internet. The economy is slow, but the Internet is booming, and work from home opportunties are in abundance.
The cost for an online business is very low compared with a traditional home business. Any expense you do incur you can deduct on your tax return. This is saying that the federal government is funding your simple work from home opprotunity pursuit to the extent of your tax bracket. Why say no.
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
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If you consider building a home business on the Internet, then I have a very reputable opportunity to recommend you to check out: the PlugInProfitSite. It provides everything you need to start operating a business online, including a free professionally designed, customizable website, profitable business opportunities already plugged in the website, and a 400+ day series of newsletter. All you need to do is to learn how to market your website, which is really what online business is all about. Check it out here.
Posted by
Annie Team
11:09 PM
Labels: Business Opportunities
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Have An Actionable Game Plan for Your Work From Home Business
Having started with my online work from home opportunity for a while, I have realized how important it is have an actionable game plan for your online business pursuit. There are so many tasks that need to be done that without a game plan, the day may be lost easily in endless evaluation of which tasks to do first or doing things that are less essential.
A good game plan must be specific. For instance, "building backlinks" is not a good game plan, but "submitting an article to article directories" is better. An even better plan would have a specific title for the intended article and the names and number of directories already determined, like this:
Title of the article:
"The Benefits of Simple Work From Home Opportunities "
15 Directories to submit to:
The more concrete the task, the more likely it may get accomplished.
The trick to make a good game plan is to aim for simplicity. An action plan with one task to do has a better chance of being accomplished than a stressful load. For instance, it is admirable to plan to do one article, submit it to 15 directories, one blog post, bookmarking it to 40 social networking sites, submit your site to 50 web directories, and add a new page to your website all in a day's work. However, if you only have 1-2 hours to spare, all these tasks may be too many, and you may be discouraged to start on any. A more realistic plan would be to do a blog post and book marking it to social networking sites.
Don't be concerned that the plan is too simple. You want it to be simple enough to help you establish a routine.You can always add on more tasks later or whenever you have more time. The important thing is to cultivate a routine that becomes second nature to you in practice. Your simple work from home opportunity will have a better chance to grow if you have a work routine in place.
Thought of the day: Think success for your online home business, think game plans.
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
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Posted by
Annie Team
11:46 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, General
Friday, June 6, 2008
3 Pillars of A Success Strategy for Your Web Based Work From Home Opportunity
There are many ingredients to the success recipe of a work from home business on the Internet. None is as essential, effective, and indispensable as the following three components are the most.
1. Article marketing
Time and time again, article marketing comes up as the most recommended method to promote a web site. The reason is simple; it works powerfully. It is powerful as it combines original content with a link. The unique content is feasted upon by the search engines, making the link associated with it as high quality as it can be.
A well-written article may also catch the eye of many e-zine publishers who will publish your article in their respective sites, creating many more quality backlinks to your business site.
This is truly a method that has the top priority in all of your marketing routines.
2. Blogging
Blogging is another powerful method to promote a business website. Think about all the information you would like your customers to know about your product/service; put them down in writing and publish them as your blog posts. Prospects who chance upon your posts will appreciate the personal touch of your business information and are more likely to accept your product/services.
Blogging can also build backlinks to your own website. A blog is like a directory of mini articles, but one which you have complete control over. By all means use this method to build backlinks to your own web site and educate the mass about your business at the same time.
3. Directory Submission
Directory submission provides direct backlinks to your site. Although you do not typically have a lot of content surrounding that link, the fact that directories are intersections of the web traffic makes it important for you to own a spot there anyway. It is the simplest way to get a backlink.
Directory submission can be tedious work, but it is perfect to do when you do not feel inspired to write an article or blog post. You do not need to miss out on building some backlinks for your business during those dull moments.
The above 3 strategies are truly the pillars of a success strategy for work from home business. The best part of these strategies is that they can be done completely free if you can afford the time. If you don’t have the time, regardless, enlist services to get them done anyway. Simply apply them no matter what, and you will be that much closer to success.
Wish you success for your work from home business
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
Find quality, proven simple work from home opportunities at Home Biz Online That Works
Posted by
Annie Team
6:35 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Traffic to Your Website - Organic vs. Pay Per Click (PPC)
There are basically two types of traffic you can get to your work from home online business website: (1)organic traffic from the search engines (2)traffic through pay-per-click(ppc) advertising. Which's main difference between the two types, their respective pros and cons, and when to use either method? This post will answer these questions.
Organic search engine traffic
This is traffic that comes from the search engines. This is the best type of traffic as it is highly targeted. People who get to your website have already been searching for your business on the web and therefore are more likely than others to buy from you. If you have managed to beat your competitors and come up in the top half page of the page 1 of the search results, you are likely to get a lot of this organic traffic.
The pro of organic search engine traffic is that it is high quality. The con is that it is hard to accomplish. It is attainable but there is ususally no hope of instant gratification.
Pay-per-click traffic
This is traffic that you have bought through advertising with sites such as Google. You bid for your position on a given page of the search result for a specific keyword search term. People who search for that term will see some organic listing from the search engines as well as your link in the top and the right hand sections (as in Google), depending on how much your bid is, the higher the bid, the more prominent position your ad is placed on the page.
The pro of ppc is that it is easy to do and provides instant gratification. The con is that you have to incur cost consistently with your ad. If you are bidding for a highly competitive term, the cost per click can go really high. It is not surprising for some terms to go near $100/click.
Which option is better to promote your simple work from home opportunity?
For long term purpose, doing search engine optimization (SEO) online and offline for your business website is always better than paying to get the listing. Once you've established your web presence through tireless SEO online and offline, no one can take it away and you do not really need the ppc.
Building your web presence through continuous SEO activities is like working to pay off your mortgage; you will end up owning your house. On the other hand, ppc will have a place for you to live in as long as you pay the rent; but once you stop paying, the past rents add up to nothing that you can own.
That said, anything quick and easy has an edge despite its cost; this is the same with ppc. If you have a highly compelling sales page for a specific product, ppc may be a good choice as it provides instant targeted traffic with high likelihood of conversion. For certain niche products, there may not be a lot of people looking for it; but those who do are ready to buy. Ppc is perfect for this type of promotion.
Form most work from home opportunities online, the combination of both of the methods above is probably the way to go. On a daily basis, build your web presence through proven SEO stategies, such as aritlce marketing, blogging, web directory submission, etc. Then for any highly focused promotion items, whether it be a simple work from home opportunity or a single product, ppc make just add its flair to complement your general SEO effort.
Hope this post has been helpful to the newbies.
Ying Hong
Top pick simple work from home opportunity starter package with FREE website
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Posted by
Annie Team
1:09 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Cool Keyword Research Tools Completely Free
Keyword research is what home based work from home business owners go through sooner or later in order to promote their business website. It is also a continuous process, which means that you need to do this research every now and then to make sure your keyword choice is still up to date or if there are other additional keywords that you would like to target.
There are many tools on the web that provide assistance in keyword research. Real good ones such as WordTracker cost $329/year approx. This is a steep investment for newbies. Here are two free alternatives that I find easy to use.
Use WordTracker's free version to generate the daily search count of 100 related keyword phrases. You can see counts listed next to each term. It is advisable to choose a keyword phrase with at least 50 counts per day to be worth the effort.
Use this link to determine if your chosen phrase is too competitive. There are also other options at the same site to determine keyword density of a given url, keyword optimization, keyword position, etc. This is a very useful resource.
There will be a point when you feel the paid version of a keyword tool is worthwhile. Unitl then, these free tool will help you a long way.
Ying Hong
Find simple work from home opportunities here.
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Posted by
Annie Team
8:55 AM
Labels: Free Stuff, Keyword Research
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Promote Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity with Blogs
If you are new to Internet marketing and are wondering what you should do next to promote your work from home opportunity on a daily basis, delay no more and start a blog. It is a simple, yet powerful tool to brand your business, get traffic to your urls, and build back links. It is also FREE.
Blogging builds web presence for your business. This strategy is completely under your control. All you need to do is to write something about your business. Write from a different angle everyday. The more you write about your business, the more the web will have a chance to learn about your business.
Blogging is easy. Unlike a formal article that needs to pass the scrutiny of editors when you submit your articles to web directories, a blog post can be anything you want. Just make sure to provide as much value as possible with each post and include as many affiliate links/your web sites as you like.
Blogging is feasted upon by the search engines. My personal experience shows that the newer the blog post, the higher it comes up on the search page, which in turn brings possibly more traffic. Webmasters work hard to do SEO to their websites just for the purpose of coming up on top of the search results. A simple blog post with well considered keywords can well accomplish that. Blog often to stay on top.
Blogging is free. Start with to set up a blog completely free, like this one. This is such a valuable resource that it is almost sinful not to make use of it. It is a platform from which you can advertize your business tirelessly without spending a cent.
Today's thought of the day, blog often and share with your imaginary visitors valuable information about and insight into your simple work from home opportunity. Let the search engines do the rest. If you blog consistently, there is only one thing the search engines will do - catapult your blog/business to the top.
Happy blogging!
Ying Hong
Find Simple Work From Home Opportunities at
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Posted by
Annie Team
2:13 PM
Labels: Blogging, Building Web Presence, General
Monday, June 2, 2008
5 Business Expenses Essential to Grow Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
It is possible to build a home biz online without out of pocket expenses. However, I believe that most successful internet marketers would not recommend going the free way. The main reasons are (1) the free way often means that it takes more time even to the point of stunting the business growth, which defeats the whole purpose; (2) some free tools may not be as reliable as paid services, and this can be detrimental to building a business.
So what kind of business investments are the most essential to building an online work from home opportunity? Here goes the simple list:
1. WebHosting
There are free web hosting services out there. However, it is the general concensus that you pay for what you get when it comes to web hosting. If you don't want your website to be unexpectedly down, enlisting a reputable web hosting service is the wise way to go. A solid web host like Host4Profit is24.95/month.
2. Auto Responder
Having an auto responder is like having administrative staff taking care of your connection with your prospects and/customers. It is a must if you expect your business to grow. A top notch auto-responder like GetResponse costs 17.95/month with cheaper annual payment option of $145.
3. Article marketing
Article marketing is the most powerful method to promote your web based business. The complete article marketing can be done free of cost. However, submitting articles to many directories can be tedious and time consuming. Also the writing part may be challenging to some people. To the extent that practical handicaps aforementioned are preventing effective article marketing, professional services should be enlisted in order to keep building on your work from home opportunity's web presence. A 500 word original article can be found for as little as $6 dollars. Article submission service can be about $30-50/month.
4. Blogging
Blogging is just as important as article marketing. It is a tool that can catapult your traffic magically if you contribute enough unique content relevant to your niche. This means blogging every day once or more times. There is certainly considerable time commitment required by this strategy. To the extent that you can't find time to do blog posts consistently, you should consider buying shorter articles for your blogs (about $5/piece).
5. Submit to web directories
This is another strong method to build backlinks, which essentially builds your web presence. Just like submitting to aritcle directories, this is free to do by hand but a tedious, time-consuming job. To the extent you have better use of this time, you should consider either outsourcing it or buying a software (such as DirectorySubmitter) to help automate some parts of this job. You may be able to find submission service ranging around $0.08 - 0.15/submission. DirectorySubmitter has a one time cost of $97.
The last three methods mentioned above can really be done manually with no out of pocket cost. However, they will work their magic only if they are done consistently over a period of time, which requires significant time commitment. If you cannot afford the time, it is worth it to invest in professional service to get this aspect of the marketing going.
To conclude, having free service/tools may not necessarily mean the best for your business. However, investments in the above five areas are essential and worthwhile.
Copyright by Ying Hong 2008
You have my permission to reprint this article as long as my web url is also included.
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Posted by
Annie Team
9:56 PM
Labels: General
Sunday, June 1, 2008
My Motivations for Pursuing a Work from Home Business Online
There are many reasons that people start pursuing a work from home business on the Internet. Some of the common ones are:
1. Financial reward
2. More free time with family
3. Less work hours (wishful thinking, of course)
4. Flexibility with location
5. Be your own boss
6. Less polution for the environment (saved from cutting the commuting)
I share all of these motivations to some degree. But I have two reasons that top all of the above.
My number 1 motivation is to build something by myself. This is different from resenting the boss-subordinate relationship at work that you see in some work from home opportunity ads. I actually have really good rapport at work. My 9-5 job has never been a source of undesirable stress. Still, I want to build something by myself. Thanks to the Internet; it has made it easy to start this pursuit.
My number 2 motivation is that I feel compelled by the age of the Internet in many ways. I truly believe the Internet will become our main media for most of everything, if not all, in the future. I am amazed by the potentials of the Internet and enjoy learning new technology to make things work faster and better. I really want to be part of the Internet community.
What are your motivations? Feel free to drop me a note and share some thoughts. Or leave a comment.
Ying Hong
Visit Simple Work From Home Opportunity for reviews of thoroughly tried and proven online home business opportunities
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Posted by
Annie Team
11:43 PM
Labels: General
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Is Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity In The Favor Of The Rule Of Randomness?
Driving home from work today, I heard a radio interview about a book on the rule of randomness. I found the discussion fascinating as well as enlightening.
The author (I didn't catch the name) talked of the immense impact of randomness in our lives. Basically, we really don't have complete control over what happens in our lives and, if we try certain thing enough times, it's going to happen for us.
What does this mean for your pursuit of a simple work from home opportunity online? Simply enlightening! It really means to keep on trying new things until one day the rule of randomness goes in your favor. Before you reach that breakthrough point, in any phase of your journey of building your home business online, there is no need to decide if you are a failure or if someone else is a failure or success, as you are not the one determining the timing of your success; the rule of randomness does. After all, Joanne K. Rowling had nine rejections before her Harry Potter became a huge success. Her work was always good; but success only came about when the rule of randomness spoke on her behalf.
It is clear, though, that if you stop trying, even the rule of randomness cannot help you.
So the epiphany of the day is to keep on trying what you believe in, whether it is a work from home opportunity or some other passion or pursuit. If you try it enough times, success will happen to you as the rule of randomness will act on your behalf when the timing is right.
May you be there when the rule of randomness speaks for you.
Ying Hong
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Posted by
Annie Team
8:41 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, Business Opportunities, General, PIP Progress
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What to Expect When Submitting to Web Directories
Submitting your website to various web directories is one important method to build up backlinks. However, for the longest time, I procrastinated on doing it for the simple reason of not knowing what to expect at a submission, and I hated the idea of scrambling for information on the spot. Since I purchased DirectorySubmitter, I finally broke into this routine. This post is to provide background information on submisstion for those people who are still procrastinating.
Typical Information Required
Email - some sites will send you an email and require confirmation before they will review and approve of your site.
Link Title - title of your webpage
Link Description - brief description of your website
Reciprocal Link -some sites require a reciprocal link from your site in order to list your link for free in their web directory
First Name
Last Name
Username - some sites require that you open an account with a username
Password - and a password
It is advised that you prepare various versions of the Link Title, Link Description and Keywords in order to make your listing unique.
Most web directories will require that you select the most relevant category to add your link to. Typical categories for online home business opportunities can fall under Business\opportunities.
A lot of web directories have the free option; this is an obvious choice if you just need the backlink. There are also featured listings that cost from $1-$50 - $100 or more. Certain sites let you bid on the price to be listed. Some paid listing is also for a period of time, like a year. A lot of the sites will require a reciprocal link on your site for theirs. If you don't have a spot on your website to list these links yet, do not select this option.
Other Notes
Not all directories are appropriate for your specific website. Some directories are regionally specific. For instance, I came across a site that requires the submitted site to be located in Austrailia. Others are niche specific; a psychic directory does not host a work from home website agreeably.
Most directories will not accept a site under construction and will not accept affiliate links.
How Soon Will Your Submission Be Listed
For some sites, listing is instant. Others may take weeks and months. Typically, premium links will be reviewed sooner than free listing. Worrying about how long it will take for your submitted website to be listed is a complete waste of time.
It is not hard to see that submitting to web directories can be a time consuming and tedious job. Any kind of automation is desirable than the complete manual approach. As I mentioned earlier, I purchased DirectorySubmitter. It has 3000+ directories and is able to populate the online submission form automatically with the profile information you have previously established. This helps a lot. However, one would still need to read the submission guidelines for a given web directory here and there in order not to miss any perculiar requirements.
Submitting to web directories is the perfect job to do when you don't feel inspired to write anything or do anything. For those with DirectorySubmitter, the submissions are much more pleasant tasks than otherwise.
Hope the above has provided some helpful information. I want to end today's post with a delightful site I came across while doing the submission: As its name says, it does not ask you for anything but just your url and email to list you, and it has a PR5.
Ying Hong
Posted by
Annie Team
10:16 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Truth About Pursuing Simple Work From Home Opportunities
Today I received an email from an SFI prospect asking if he can make money by becoming an EA and doing nothing else. I gave him no-fluff answer, as I always do: Qualifying for EA requires $29.95/month while guaranteed payment is about $8-10/month; net investment is about $20. Any more payment would have to come from personal marketing effort.
I enjoyed providing some useful and true information for my prospect. But at the same time, I couldn't help but be amazed by the power of the hype from work from home opporunity ads. I myself, a frequent surfer in TrafficSwarm, have seen more than my share of the hyped ads, most of which create the get rich overnight buzz.
Unless you have tried one of these online opportunities, you would have no point of reference of whether the claim of a hyped ad is true or not. Most people act on what they like to believe rather than solid knowledge of facts. As such, they would fall for an opportunity only to find that their get rich dream didn't happen fast. Some people may then call the opportunities scams while in reality, they didn't take the time to develop the opportunities.
For those of you who read this post who are prospects of online work from home opportunities, consider yourself warned. No matter how easy and simple a work from home opportunity may be, like all other business opportunities, it needs a lot of effort to develop and cultivate. You need to be a constant gardener, tending your business on a daily basis, writing articles about your business, submitting them to article directories, blogging, submitting your website to web directories, adding content to your website, posting in forums, exploring other opportunities, etc. All of these and more need to be done on a daily basis tirelessly.
The real reward of such an online work from home opportunity is not to "do nothing" but to do it with complete flexibility time-wise and location-wise. The sense of independence and freedom as well as the residual income are well worth the effort.
Successful online marketers are first and foremost hardworking individuals. They discipline themselves to a set of work ethics and they do not give up until they succeed. The path to success is no secret. There are numerous ebooks with tried and proven methods on building a successful online home based business. In fact the training material that comes with the simple work from home opportunity package is probably enough guidance.
I hope I have provided some helpful insight for you, simple work from home opporutnity prospects. And I hope you take action with a well-informed mind.
Ying Hong
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Posted by
Annie Team
5:49 PM
Labels: Business Opportunities
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Give Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity A Boost in 45 Days
No matter how simple the work from home opportunity you pursue, it is always hard to have a good start that leads to a solid routine. I find myself looking for inspirations constantly in an effort to stay focused on building my home business online. It is a delicate balancing act between all the informational distractions and focused business practice, and I have to say that distractions are powerful.
If you are looking for some external help to motivate you to effectively focus your effort, PipsPowerGroup (PPG) is as close as it gets to giving you this kind of help. I am a member of the group, and I have seen the mentors of PPG, being immensely successful on their own online businesses, share no-fluff practice wisdom with all members. Just recently, they have lauched a contest to help boost their members' home business building effort.
This interesting contest is to last for about 45 days (Jun -mid July). It begins by voluntary memebers noting down their urls and Alexa ranking in a forum thread. Then each participant is supposed to report a laundry list of what she/he has done for her/his business in a designated forum thread everyday. The activities are monitored by the mentors and the results are tallied at the end of the 45 days to determine the winners.
The top winners will have some cash incentives. But that's besides the point. The goal of the test is to have an external force to help focus the individual's effort in building her/his home business. With mentors monitoring an individual's business practice routine on a daily basis, this is epitomizing the gist of mentoring yet.
I am tremendously interested in participating in this contest despite the concern that I may not have enough time to work on my simple work from home opportunity, what with a full time job and two young children. Regardless, it is a great opportunity to give a boost to my home business building effort, and I will find out the potentials of a 45 day period in terms of marketing effort from fellow participants.
Ying Hong
Build Upon A Simple Work From Home Oppotunity with FREE Website From PlugInProfitSite
Find More Resources on Simple Work From Opportunities at www.
Posted by
Annie Team
11:02 PM
Labels: Building Backlinks, Building Web Presence, PIP Progress
Friday, May 16, 2008
How to Start Making Progress With Your Simple Work From Home Opportunity
How are you doing with your Internet home business? Do you sometimes feel that you are lost and/or stuck? Do you want to break away from that dullness? Here is sharing with you my perspective on how to break free from the lull.
For most home business internet ventures, it is hard to promote a website efficiently without submitting articles to directories and blogging. But writing, whether articles or blog posts is precisely where a lot of people get stuck. They either don't feel inspired to write anything or just aren't good at writing at all. Even with PLR articles, one still needs some rewriting skills to churn out semi-original content. What should one do to over come this obstacle?
There is really no secret. In order to promote your web presence, you simply have to start submitting articles. There are two basic ways to approach this.
1) If you feel comfortable writing and have more time than money, write articles by yourself. Overcoming this road block is more of a discipline issue than anything else. Since running a home business requires optimal self-disicpline, it will be a good test to see if you are as committed to building your home business as you thought you were.
With consistent writing, say one article a week, the more the merrier of course, your writing skills will improve quickly and, before you know it, you may have accumulated enough backlinks to generate required traffic to consumate sales.
2) For all other scenarios (poor writing skills, no time to write, but with reasonable budget, etc.), consider out sourcing this service to help you jump-start, if not for good. I have just read "Confession of An Affiliate Millionaire" by Stone Evans, the creator of the PlugInProfitSite. He mentions that he outsources a lot of his article distribution to service, and every time he invests in this kind of service, he always gets 10X the benefits back. The point is clear: article marketing is so important to online home business success that if you can't do it yourself, it is worth it to invest in a service that helps you do it.
To conclude, one way to break away from the dullness of your home business is simply to start article marketing, whether doing it yourself or through a paid service. You simply have to do it. If you do so, before long, you will see progress and your pursuit of a simple work from home opportunity online may likely result in fruition.
Ying Hong
Find resources of Simple Work From Home Opportunities at
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Posted by
Annie Team
10:45 PM
Labels: Building Web Presence, PIP Progress